The Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) has revised the 2013 Rental Guidelines to include information for its upcoming Non-Housing Credit application round. This round of applications will be for the HOME Investment Partnerships program, the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, the Small Multifamily Affordable Loan program, and a new set-aside for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund for transitional housing projects. The revised guidelines include the projected amounts available for each of these programs as well as an updated timeline for the application process. Applications were made available online on August 1, 2012 and final applications will be due on September 17, 2012. Awards will be announced in November 2012.The guidelines also include some program policy dates, which are highlighted throughout the document for easy identification.

KHC has also posted its 2013 Non-housing Credit Score sheet on its website. Point allocations will be based on three major categories: development team, project design, location and readiness to proceed, and financial design.

All application materials can be found on KHC’s webpage for Applications, Guidelines, and Underwriting Materials. For questions, please contact KHC’s Multifamily Director Andrew Hawes at [email protected] or 502-564-7630 x326.