The White House recently issued a policy statement regarding HR 5972, the House of Representatives FY 2013 appropriations measure for the Departments of Transportation (DOT) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD). In general the statement criticizes the bill for “undermin[ing] key investments in economic and community development programs that drive local innovations, while also weakening the safety net for Americans facing significant hardship in these challenging economic times.” The Obama Administration expresses disagreement with the House bill’s approved funding levels for several HUD programs, including Choice Neighborhoods, Sustainable Communities, Housing Counseling and Homeless Assistance Grants. The statement also criticizes the lack of several cost-saving policy changes to rental assistance programs that were included in the FY 2013 budget request and also states that “the funding level in the bill for Housing Choice Vouchers, Project-Based Rental Assistance, and Public Housing would result in about 30,000 families losing their assistance.” It is expected that the full House will begin consideration of HR 59672 this week; the Senate has not yet scheduled a floor vote for their FY 2013 HUD appropriations measure.

Click here to read the full statement.