Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) listed the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 proposed distributions for the following HUD Community Planning and Development (CPD) programs Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), HOME, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) and Recovery Housing Program (RHP):
The total FFY2021 CDBG allocation is $9,779,245. The State retains two percent plus $100,000 or $295,985 for administration and one percent or $97,992 for technical assistance activities. Additionally, HUD mandates that the state expend ten percent of its total allocation or $979,925 for projects located in areas designated as Colonias. The remaining adjusted allocation is divided into 85 percent or $7,161,542 for the Regional Account and 15 percent or $1,263,801 for the State Special Projects (SSP) Account.
The Council of Government (COG) Regional allocation is as follows:
CDBG Allocation by COG Region | 2021 Allocation Amount | 2021 Allocation Share |
Central Arizona Government | $649,869 | 9.07 percent |
Northern Arizona Council of Governments | $1,964,163 | 27.43 percent |
Southeastern Arizona Governments Organization | $1,336,517 | 18.66 percent |
Western Arizona Council of Governments | $3,210,993 | 44.84 percent |
Total Allocation to Rural COGs | $ 7,161,542 | 100 percent |
Both the Colonias and SSP set-asides are accessed through competitive applications and will be announced through a future Notice of Funding Available (NOFA).
The total FFY2021 HOME allocation is $5,884,026 of which 15 percent or $882,631 must be set aside for Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) project funding. The State retains ten percent of the grant award or $588,403 to be used for administration. HOME funds will be distributed through a competitive application process including NOFAs and other competitive funding vehicles.
The total FFY2021 HOPWA allocation is $442,224. A total of ten percent or $44,222 of the grant award will be used for administration of which the state retains three percent ($13,267) and the remaining seven percent ($30,955) will be used by project sponsors. The remaining 90 percent or $398,002 of the grant award will be spent on direct service provision through housing providers in the non-entitlement counties.
The total FFY2020 ESG allocation is $1,552,059 which is administered by the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES). A total of 7.5 percent or $116,404 is retained by DES for administration. The remaining 92.5 percent or $1,435,655 will be used for ESG eligible activities to benefit persons experiencing homelessness.
RHP or Recovery Housing Program is a pilot program to help individuals in recovery from a substance abuse disorder, to become stably housed. RHP was authorized under Section 8071 of the Support for Patients and Communities (SUPPORT) Act. On December 20, 2019, President Trump signed the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020 (Public Law 116-94), which allocated $804,000 in FY2020 funding for the RHP pilot program. The total FFY2021 RHP allocation for ADOH is $820,208. At the time of publication of this bulletin, ADOH has not submitted the Substantial Amendment to the Annual Action plan to HUD which will outline the Federal Register requirements for the RHP program. Once submitted, ADOH will provide further information on project eligibility for RHP funding. RHP Funding will be distributed through a competitive application process including NOFAs and other competitive funding vehicles.