HUD and Enterprise Community Partners will host a webinar from 1-3 p.m. ET on February 17 on the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) and Section 18 new blend options described in PIH Notice 2021-07. Register here. The notice establishes two “RAD & Section 18 Blends:”
- Construction Blend – Under this blend, which replaces the prior “75-25 blend,” HUD has established a sliding scale where it will approve a greater proportion of units for conversion under Section 18 (between 20 and 80 percent of units) when greater levels of construction or rehabilitation will be performed at the property. The new blends encourage and enable higher levels of construction and preservation within the public housing portfolio and will allow Public Housing Authorities (PHA) to finance more extensive improvements to residents’ homes.
- Small PHA Blend – Under this blend, HUD provides an opportunity for PHAs with 250 units or fewer public housing to preserve those homes under long-term project-based contracts through a mix of RAD and Section 18, regardless of the level of work needed at the property. This blend encourages and enables smaller housing authorities to move fully to the project-based Section 8 platform, enabling them to streamline their management and operations and preserve their housing stock as affordable for the long-term