Yesterday, HUD published the proposed rule for the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE).  Comments are due by March 15.

This publication represents the most significant formal milestone to date for NSPIRE and will establish the regulatory framework necessary for the implementation of the program when final. Through the proposed rule, HUD seeks to:

  • Use a singular set of physical inspection standards to align all of the HUD programs;
  • Reduce administrative burden on small rural PHAs by incorporating provisions of the Economic Growth and Recovery, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act;
  • Establish methods for the implementation of specific NSPIRE standards, scoring, and processes;
  • Create a unified assessment of housing quality and apply a “safe, habitable dwellings” standard;
  • For certain HUD housing, implement a new annual self-inspection and reporting requirement; and
  • Establish an administrative process for the treatment of health and safety deficiencies.