HUD recently issued a NOFA for nearly $110 million in FY 2012 Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI) Implementation Grants. CNI Implementation Grants enable local leaders to transform distressed neighborhoods into sustainable, mixed-income neighborhoods with the affordable housing, safe streets, and good schools every family needs. Eligible applicants are local governments, public housing authorities, non-profits, tribal entities, and private developers who seek to transform distressed neighborhoods with distressed public housing or other HUD assisted housing.

HUD executives Sandra Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, Carol Galante, Acting FHA Commissioner and former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Housing, and the Choice Neighborhoods Team will host a call to discuss CNI Implementation Grants on Monday, February 6 at 2:15 pm EST.

To view the CNI Implementation Grants NOFA and Funding Information, click here.
To RSVP and submit questions prior to the call, email [email protected].