The House Financial Services Committee has released an updated draft of voucher reform legislation, the Affordable Housing and Improved Self Sufficiency Act of 2011 (AHISSA) which is the new iteration of the Section Eight Savings Act (SESA) and the Section Eight Voucher Reform Act (SEVRA). The legislation is expected to be formally introduced in early 2012, with a vote by the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity schedule for soon afterwards.
AHISSA includes several significant reform measures, including provisions to increase housing providers’ ability to utilize project-based vouchers, an expanded Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) program, authorized appropriations for the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), an increase of tenant minimum rents and a broad expansion of the Moving to Work (MTW) program.
To read the draft legislation, click here
To read a section by section analysis of the legislation, click here.