As you may already know, the affordable housing community suffered a tragic loss in early October with Nancy Andersen’s unexpected passing. Nancy was a great friend, colleague and respected partner during her years of service at MassHousing. She most recently served as Director of Multifamily Lending at MassHousing. We recently learned that MassHousing will be hosting a memorial service for Nancy on November 14 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the Omni Parker House Hotel. I know many of our members are planning on attending the service and out of our deep respect for Nancy we have decided to adjust the Fall Developer Forum agenda to better accommodate those who would like to attend the memorial.

Please carefully note the timing changes in the conference agenda below. Note that all of the sessions on Monday will be starting a little earlier including the Vision Awards Presentation and Reception (now scheduled for 4:00 pm at the InterContinental Boston). We are also moving our Allocators Roundtable from Monday afternoon to Tuesday morning and are postponing “The Recession With No End In Sight….How are LIHTC Properties Faring?”session until the NH&RA 2012 Annual Meeting. If you are only attending the Timmy Awards Presentation and Luncheon the timing is unchanged.

Thank you for your understanding and flexibility. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 202-939-1753 or [email protected].


Thom Amdur

Executive Director

PS. If you are planning on attending the memorial service please confirm your attendance to Joan Falloni at 617-854-1851 or [email protected] by November 10.

Revised Conference Agenda

Monday, November 14

9:30 am

Council for Energy Friendly Affordable Housing Meeting

The Council for Energy Friendly Affordable Housing (CEFAH) is a working group of some of the most active owners, managers and consultants of affordable housing. The Council is focuses sharing knowledge and shaping public policy to help encourage and finance energy conservation improvements. Click here to learn more about CEFAH. Space is limited; Advanced RSVP is required. Contact Thom Amdur at 202-939-1753 or [email protected] for more details.

11:30 am

NH&RA’s Developers Council Luncheon (Developers Only)

Developers Council is a peer-to-peer network of developers that discusses topics of mutual interest, focusing on development, construction, business management, compensation, succession and other pertinent issues. Participation is strictly limited to developers only. Space is limited; Advanced RSVP is required. Luncheon Catering Fee: $75.

1:00 pm

Welcome & Introductions

1:30 pm

Tax Credit Developers Roundtable

Our Developers Roundtables are a staple of NH&RA Conferences. This session brings together some of the most innovative and creative developers in the business to discuss new business opportunities, creative financing strategies, as well as challenges and solutions facing owners and developers today. You will get real deal insight and tips that you can take home for your next transaction. Designed by and for developers, this is a can’t-miss session!

JP Williamson, Octagon Partners, Charlottesville, VA

Mark Sween, Dominium Development & Acquisition LLC, Plymouth, MN

Jamie Pennington, RJ Finlay & Company, Milford, NH

Debra Koehler, Sage Partners, Tampa, FL

2:30 pm

Federal Housing Policy Update

This session will include the latest updates on from Congress and the Executive branch on key housing and tax credit programs.

Pat Costigan, HUD, Washington, DC

Joe Crisafulli, New England HUB Director

David Gasson, Boston Capital Corp., Boston, MA

Thom Amdur, NH&RA, Washington, DC

4:00 pm

2011 Affordable Housing Vision Awards Reception

The InterContinental Hotel Boston, 510 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass.

National Housing & Rehabilitation Association instituted our Annual Vision Awards in 2004 to honor affordable housing and community development leaders for their invaluable contributions and years of dedications to providing affordable apartments to American families.  We invite you to join us in support of affordable housing and this year’s Visionaries:

  • Sandra Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
  • John Mackey, The Reznick Group

The Vision Awards Reception is included in your Fall Developers Forum registration. A limited number of Reception only tickets will also be made available through our online registration system. Contact Thom Amdur at 202-939-1753 or [email protected] for more details. Click here to learn more about the Vision Awards.

Please note the Vision Awards Reception will be hosted off-site at the the InterContinental Hotel Boston, which is approximately 0.3 miles from the 100 Federal Street Auditorium/Bank of America Building. Click here for walking directions from the Bank of America Building.

5:30 pm

Memorial Service for Nancy Andersen

The Omni Parker House, 60 School Street, Boston, Mass.

The Massachusetts affordable housing community was deeply saddened by the passing of Nancy Andersen in early October. Nancy had a distinguished career in public service and affordable housing, most recently serving as Director of Lending at MassHousing, which will be hosting a memorial service to celebrate the life of Nancy Andersen on November 14 at the Omni Parker House Hotel, located at 60 School Street in Boston. Because many of us were close to Nancy through years of friendship and professional collaboration NH&RA has rescheduled a portion of this year’s Fall Developers Forum program to accommodate members that would like to attend the memorial service. The evening’s program will begin at 6:00 pm. If you are planning on attending the memorial service please confirm your attendance to Joan Falloni at 617-854-1851 or [email protected] by November 10.

The Omni Parker House is approximately 0.5 miles / 12 minute walk from the InterContinental Hotel Boston (the location of the Affordable Housing Vision Awards Reception). Click here for walking directions to the Memorial service from the InterContinental Hotel.

Tuesday, November 15

8:00 am

LIHTC Equity Roundtable

Get the latest updates on the state of the tax credit equity market including current pricing, deal terms, under-writing changes and much more…

Tom Maxwell, WNC & Associates, Inc., Needham, MA

Ryan Sfreddo, Redstone Equity Partners, New York, NY

Victor Sostar, First Sterling Financial Inc., Manhasset, NY

Raoul Moore, Enterprise Community Investment, Inc., Columbia, MD

Russell Ginise, RBC Capital Markets, Charlotte, NC

Rick Floreani, Carlisle Tax Advisors LLC, Boston, MA

Michael Clark, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Boston, MA

9:00 am

State Allocators Roundtable

This NH&RA staple will bring together leading executives from regional tax credit allocating agencies to discuss LIHTC policy including QAP updates, implementation of ARRA programs and more.  This is a can’t-miss opportunity to network and learn from the people reviewing your LIHTC applications.

Wendy Cohen, Director, LIHTC, Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development

Joe Erdelyi, Director of Development, Vermont Housing Finance Agency

David Evans, Assistant Executive Director of Multifamily, Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency

Bob Greer, The Michaels Organization, Marlton, NJ

9:45 am

Road to Recovery or Double Dip? An Economic Forecasting In Uncertain Times

We are living through one of the strangest economic cycles in American history. Get the latest update on economic trends and how they will effect access to capital and housing markets.

Michael Brown, Economist, Wells Fargo / Wachovia, Charlotte, NC

10:30 am

Utilizing State Tax Credits: Technical Update & Innovative Case Studies

State credits are an increasingly important tool for affordable housing, historic rehabilitation and new markets tax credit developers. This panel will explore the latest deal structures and how recent court rulings will impact these transactions.

John Mackey, Reznick Group, Boston, MA

Forrest Milder, Nixon Peabody LLP, Boston, MA

Judy Crosby, Klein Hornig LLP, Boston, MA

Chris Hite, Sugar Creek Realty LLC, St. Louis, MO

11:30 am

Affordable Housing & Historic Rehabilitation Design Roundtable

Architects and consultants explore the latest design trends for affordable housing and historic rehabilitation. Learn how to maximize the value and marketability of your project through new design insight.

Claudia Kavenagh, Building Conservation Associates, Inc., New York, NY

Robert Zeffert, Zeffert & Associates, St. Louis, MO

Michael Binette, The Architectural Team, Chelsea, MA

David Abromowitz, Goulston & Storrs, LLP, Boston, MA, Moderator

12:30 pm


2:15 pm

Optional J. Timothy Anderson Awards For Excellence in Historic Rehabilitation Luncheon

The “Timmy” awards honor outstanding rehabilitation and preservation projects based on overall design and quality, interpretation and respect of historic elements, impact on the community, and financial and market success.  We invite you to join us at the 100 Federal Street Auditorium and Luncheon Space (Bank of America Building) in Boston for one of the premier networking events for historic preservation professionals as we honor this year’s outstanding projects. Click here to learn more about this year’s finalists.

Please note Space is limited . Advanced sign-up is required. Luncheon Registration Fee$100

2:30 pm

Historic Preservation Development Council Meeting

Historic Preservation Development Council (HPDC) is a joint effort between NH&RA and the National Trust for Historic Preservation formed in 2001 to focus primarily on how the historic rehabilitation tax credit can be better utilized as a financing source to renovate older properties. Space is limited; Advanced RSVP is required. Contact Thom Amdur at 202-939-1753 or [email protected] for more details. Click here to learn more about HPDC.

Gold Conference Sponsor

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Silver Conference Sponsor

Stratford Capital Group

Timmy Awards Luncheon Sponsor


Click here to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.