Responding to this need for better coordinated Federal rental policy, the White House’s Domestic Policy Council established the interagency Rental Policy Working Group in 2010. As part of its coordinating efforts, the Rental Policy Working Group has engaged State, local, and private stakeholders to identify administrative changes that could increase overall programmatic efficiency and further enhance the ability of communities to create and preserve affordable housing. NH&RA staff and many of our members have participated in various forums and stakeholder sessions over the past two years to provide feedback on a number of critical areas.

Through this process, recommendations have been developed to align administrative requirements in several critical administrative policy areas. Additionally, pilot implementations are being pursued in several states to test some of these administrative alignment activities on a small scale before national implementation.
The following documents contain summary information about Rental Policy Working Group alignment activities, as well as pilot implementations.

Alignment Documents

Matrix of Alignment Activities. This matrix summarizes the alignment activities proposed by the Rental Policy Working Group and the participating Federal departments. Any savings or benefits noted are preliminary estimates.

Alignment Reports. These reports detail rental policy alignment activities proposed to be pursued through administrative action. These policy proposals are preliminary drafts have not yet been recommended for implementation. The Rental Policy Working Group is seeking stakeholder comment on the alignment reports — please send comments to [email protected] by August 26, 2011.
Physical Inspections

Income Reporting and Definitions
Subsidy Layering Review
Reduction in State-to-State Variability for Income Definition

Financial Reporting
Common Energy Efficiency Requirements
Appraisal Primer

Market Study Standards

Capital Needs Assessment

Improve Sharing of Data on Owner Defaults

Compliance (Fair Housing MOUs)

Pilot Activities

Alignment pilots have been launched to test the implementation of administrative alignments around two administrative policy areas — physical inspections and subsidy layering reviews.

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