The 2020 Housing Tax Credit Contribution (HTCC) Program Guidelines were updated and include new compliance requirements for 2020.  In addition to the Program Quarterly Progress Report, any applicant required to submit a report for the first quarter of 2020 (January 1 – March 31) and all subsequent quarters should include the following:

  • Copies of the bank statements for the segregated account holding proceeds or contributions received in exchange for a tax credit voucher(s).  The statement should include the activity of the account from initial set-up to date.
  • Copies of the invoices and/or receipts associated with the funded Housing Program supporting the activity shown on the bank statement.
  • Progress photos, including the interior and exterior of the building(s).

For Affordable Housing and Workforce Housing Revolving Loan Funds, please submit an accounting of the fund’s activity, including any receipts and disbursements, from the fund’s establishment to the current period.

Submission for the first quarter of 2020 quarterly reports has been extended for two weeks and are due on April 29.

Subsequent due dates are July 15, October 15 and January 15. All quarterly report documentation should be mailed to the designated HTCC inbox only at: [email protected]. Timely, ongoing reporting is required. Failure to submit timely quarterly report information will impact future eligibility and/or scoring in future HTCC application rounds.

Please contact Michelle Onofrio at [email protected] with any questions.