On January 1, 2019, the Multifamily Housing Service Coordinator (MFSC) program implemented HUD’s new Standards for Success (SfS) report across the entire portfolio. The new report replaced the Semi-Annual Performance Report (Form 92456). HUD Form 92456 has expired and is no longer accepted as the performance report for either grant or budget-based properties with Service Coordinators. Click here for more information on the national implementation of SfS for the MFSC program.
The SfS reporting framework will modernize and enhance HUD’s performance data efforts. Data will be stored in a central database called “InForm” where it can be analyzed on demand. Thus, the new report requires properties to register with HUD to submit their data. To date, properties had two registration periods to enroll in SfS.
A small number of properties have remained unaware of HUD’s new reporting requirement. To accommodate these properties, HUD will offer one final SfS registration opportunity before the SfS report is due on October 30, 2019. The final registration window will be from September 9 – September 27. Any property that needs to report to HUD, and does not register for SfS by September 27, will be out of compliance with HUD.
If a property has a MFSC grant or uses any aspect of the property budget for the MFSC program, the property is required to report. This includes elderly, disabled and family properties. Click here for a listing of properties that have complied with the requirement, as well as information on registration for those that have not.
Properties that use the AASC Online or FamilyMetrics case management systems are also automatically registered. The SfS report can be sent directly from those case management systems to HUD. Questions about this process can be directed to Pangea Foundation by phone at (866) 615-0982 or by email at support@pangeafoundation.org.