Three more 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, Governor Jay Inslee, Former Governor John Hickenlooper and Senator Bernie Sanders, have released housing plans.
Governor Jay Inslee (WA)
Governor Inslee’s Community Climate Justice plan includes at least $42 billion in additional funding for the National Housing Trust Fund and CDFI Fund. The plan also calls for increasing the Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, increasing Private Activity Bond capacity, using Medicaid funding to pay for supportive housing services, creating a renters tax credit for households under 50 percent of area median income paying more than 30 percent of their income on rent, increasing funding for vouchers, and increasing funding for housing affordability on Tribal lands. His plan also includes sections on preventing homelessness & displacement in the face of gentrification; promoting urban density, and transit-oriented development; and investing in housing to build green, just and vibrant communities
If elected, Gov. Inslee would direct 40 percent of all green federal investments go into front-line communities experiencing the greatest environmental burden, economic inequality, and climate change impacts and direct federal agencies to examine historical patterns of racial discrimination and environmental racism, and their relation to community health, inequality and lower rates of home ownership and resulting asset-building opportunities, today.
Former Governor John Hickenlooper (CO)
Governor Hickenlooper’s Building America’s Rural Economy plan calls for $20 billion to expand broadband access across the country and increased funding for the Federal Historic Tax Credit and USDA’s Rural Development program. He would also work with local communities to establish “creative districts” designed for new private investment and he would promote initiatives that offer affordable housing for creative-sector workers.
Senator Bernie Sanders (VT)
Sen. Sanders authored an op-ed for CNN in which he describes the impact of living in a rent-controlled apartment and the current affordable housing crisis. Sanders calls for expanding the National Housing Trust Fund to build 7.4 million units of affordable housing; doubling of funding for HUD’s McKinney-Vento homelessness assistance grants; supporting communities with rent control ordinance and inclusionary zoning; defending and promoting the legal protections of fair housing; and increasing grants to communities that whish to create community land trust housing. As mayor of Burlington, VT, Sanders was instrumental in creating the Burlington Community Land Trust in 1984, which is now known as the Champlain Housing Trust.
Sen. Sanders website also calls for ensuring access to high-speed broadband internet to every American, expanding federal assistance for affordable housing in rural areas, and implementing Rep. Jim Clyburn’s (D-SC) 10-20-30 approach which calls for 10 percent of all federal funding to go to areas were 20 percent of the population has lived below the federal poverty line for at least 30 years.
The three new candidates join the ranks of former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), Mayor Pete Buttigieg, former HUD Secretary Julián Castro, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) who have already released housing plans.