HUD issued the FY 2019 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). The NOFA makes $5 million for Planning Grants and Planning and Action Grants available. The maximum award amount is $1.3 million. Eligible applicants include PHAs, local governments, nonprofits, and tribal entities. Applications must target at least one severely distressed public housing or HUD-assisted housing project. Applications are due on June 10 by 11:59 pm EDT.
Planning Grants are two-year grants that assist communities with severely distressed public or HUD-assisted housing in developing a successful neighborhood transformation plan and building the support necessary for that plan to be successfully implemented.
Planning and Action Grants are three-and-a-half-year planning grants that pair planning with action. Under these grants, the planning process activities would take place during the first 24 months of the grant period. The planning process will identify Action Activities that will be carried out during the latter portion of the grant period. Action Activities must build upon the planning for the target housing and neighborhood.