The Utah Housing Corporation has released its 2011 draft qualified allocation plan (QAP). Proposed changes to the 2011 QAP include:
- Requires that rehabilitation projects with tenants in place must submit a relocation plan describing the extent to which current tenants will be relocated or displaced;
- Considers the deferred developer fee a firm source of financing. If the project reduces the developer fee, UHC may reduce the credit allocation amount;
- Establishes deadlines and late fees for failure to pay the required reservation fees;
- Implements criteria and point scoring structure for Enterprise Green Communities certification;
- Reduces available point totals for 3- and 4-bedroom units;
- Adds points available for project amenities, such as bike rack, garden, wellness room, on-site storage and proximity to parks, senior centers and schools;
- Reduces available point totals for 501(c)(3), CDHOs and/or PHAs.