The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has released a report through its Office of Policy Development & Research’s HUD USER website that explores the possibility of using small area statistical techniques provided by the American Community Survey (ACS) to generate data for areas not covered by the American Housing Survey (AHS).  The report, entitled “Combining the American Housing Survey and the American Community Survey to Produce Information Useful in Public Emergency Situations: An Exploratory Analysis,” was developed by Econometrica, Inc. under contract with HUD, and nine conditions that might be useful to measure:

  • the percent of households with needs””households that (a) are poor, (b) have an elderly householder or spouse, (c) are single-parent households, or (d) have a householder or spouse who is a recent immigrant
  • the proportion of occupied units with severe physical problems
  • the proportion of occupied units with either severe or moderate physical problems
  • the proportion of occupied units that have severe physical problems and are occupied by households with needs
  • the proportion of occupied units that have severe or moderate physical problems and are occupied by households with needs
  • the proportion of occupied units built prior to 1940 and are occupied by households in need
  • the proportion of occupied units that are mobile homes and are occupied by households in need
  • the proportion of owner-occupied units with homeowners’ insurance
  • the proportion of renter-occupied units with renters’ insurance.

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