Dear TCAC stakeholders,

Sunday (1/6/2019) will be my last day as TCAC Executive Director. I want to thank Treasurer Chiang for the amazing opportunity to serve in this position for the last four years. It has been both an honor and a source of personal growth for me, and it has allowed me to make a contribution towards my passion for affordable housing. It is a challenging position to be sure, but to the best of my abilities I sought to be responsive, transparent, and fair.

I also want to extend my most heartfelt thanks to the small but mighty TCAC staff. They never fail to get the job done, financing and monitoring thousands and thousands of units each year. Equally important, they are wonderful colleagues to work with and will remain treasured friends.

And to all of you, I truly appreciate all that you do to make affordable housing available in a state where it is so desperately needed.

I intend to remain in public service working on housing issues and have no doubt I will continue to cross paths with many of you in the years ahead. If you wish to contact me personally, you may do so at

I wish you all a happy 2019 and great success in the years to come in pursuing the goal of safe, decent, and affordable housing for all.


Mark Stivers