The TCAC 2019 Excel application for 4% non-competitive projects is available on the TCAC website:

This Excel document can be used either for a joint CDLAC-TCAC application as Attachment 40 or for a 4% application with a separate CDLAC application.  This Excel document is not yet available within the CDLAC online application but will be shortly; a separate notice will be sent when that process is complete.

The 2019 Attachments will be available on the TCAC website after January 2, 2019.

The 9% competitive and 4% competitive Excel applications are currently being revised.  Staff expects these to be available in January.  TCAC will send a subsequent notice when these applications are available.

For general application questions contact the appropriate regional analyst:

For technical questions or issues related to the Excel application please contact Diane SooHoo at:

For more information visit our website: California Tax Credit Allocation Committee