Good afternoon Program Participants and Other Interested Parties,

Stewart Rutledge just made us aware of a typing error in a sentence found in Section 12:  New Construction Regional Pools of the 2019-2020 Qualified Allocation Plan.  Thank you Stewart.

The language in Section 12, Item C was accurate in the September 26, 2018 QAP version which was approved by THDA’s Board of Directors.  The QAP versions published on October 24 and November 2, contained the typing error.  When the 2019-2020 QAP was amended on November 13, this typing error was not noted.  Additionally, Multifamily Programs proposed no change to the language in Section 12, Item C for the Board’s consideration.  I take full responsibility for the typing error.

The language in Section 12, Item C should read  “C.  An Initial Application proposing new construction cannot be located in a QCT unless the Initial Application receives Housing Credits under CNI, the Innovation Round, or the PHA Set-Aside.”

I apologize for the inconvenience this typing error has caused.

Donna Duarte
Multifamily Programs Director