In Fiscal Year (FY) 2017, 1,035 completed historic rehabilitation projects were certified by the NPS, representing $5.82 billion in estimated rehabilitation costs that qualify for the 20% Federal tax credit, according to the Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit in 2017. The report was published through cooperative agreement with Rutgers University, which is responsbile fo the content of the study. Another 1,501 proposed projects were also approved in FY 2017. The report found that many of these projects involved buildings that were abandoned or underutilized and in need of substantial rehabilitation to return them to, or for their continued, economic viability. Based on project data provided by the NPS, PolicyMap (a web-based online data and mapping application) determined that 50% of the certified rehabilitation projects in FY 2017 were located in low- and moderate-income census tracks, and over 79% were located in economically distressed areas.