Please join Housing Colorado on November 6th for a Workforce Housing Forum

Workforce Housing Forum

Date: Tuesday, November 6
Time: Breakfast and Registration: 8:30 am – 9:00 am
Program: 9:00 am – 11:30 am
Location: Colorado Municipal League, 1144 Sherman St

Please join us for a morning filled with thought-provoking discussion on Workforce Housing.  Our panelists will provide insight to the following questions:

  • Why is Workforce Housing all the buzz right now?
  •  What defines a Workforce Housing project?
  •  Who are the typical partners in a Workforce Housing transaction?
  •  What financing tools are available?

We will also discuss recent and proposed Workforce Housing deals along with the challenges to these initiatives. Bring your questions and your appetite.  Breakfast will be provided.

Cost: $40 Members, $60 Non-Members – Seating is limited so register early! Click here to register.

Questions about Registration? Call/Email Roberta Trujillo at 303-863-0125 /