Since the November 1, 2017 implementation of the Capital Needs Assessment (CNA) e-Tool  HUD has identified topics on which further training would help users improve CNA submissions and work more efficiently with the CNA e-Tool. The CNA e-Tool Virtual Classroom Curriculum is designed to provide small groups of participants a chance to learn about and discuss aspects of the Assessment Tool and the Submission Portal. A part of each delivery is a presentation by an instructor who will describe the topical issue, the problems HUD has identified, and some tips for remediation. The second part of each delivery consists of a discussion among participants on the issue, barriers encountered, and resolutions. Classes last 1 hour.

Currently, there are classes on four topics. Each class is offered at four different times, to maximize interested persons’ availability to attend. The classes are described below.

Class Offerings:

CNA e-Tool: Attachments and Photos

In this class, participants learn about the correct attachments and photos for inclusion with the CNA e-Tool, the mode of attachment, the type of photos required, naming conventions, etc. During the first part of the class, the instructor discusses attachments and photos, and provides useful tools and tips for ensuring that the correct items are included. During the second part of the class, participants ask questions and engage in a discussion about the CNA e-Tool attachments, photos, and specifics of crafting attachments that make sense and communicate clearly to the HUD reviewer. Register for this class.


CNA e-Tool: How to Address Flags

In this class, participants see examples of acceptable and unacceptable flag response notes and how to ensure that the HUD reviewer will have sufficient information to determine whether the assessor’s and lender’s conclusions are appropriate. During the first part of the class, the instructor discusses flags, understanding flag cause notes, and how to prepare a concise, specific response notes. During the second part of the class, participants ask questions and discuss addressing flags and preparing acceptable flag notes, barriers to developing useful flag notes, and ways to resolve these barriers. Register for this class.


CNA e-Tool: Using Narratives Effectively

In this class, participants learn about how to put together useful narratives using the Narrative Worksheet in the CNA e-Tool and in the Notes and Comments fields on various worksheets. During the first part of the class, the instructor discusses standard best practices and tips on including important information in the Narrative Worksheet, the Notes fields of the Components and Alternatives worksheet, and the Comments field of the Repair Replace Recommendations worksheet. During the second part of the class, participants ask questions and engage in a discussion about how to avoid using boilerplate language and getting down to specifics so that your HUD reviewer understands why certain courses of action were recommended. Register for this class.


CNA e-Tool: Addressing EUL, ARUL and TCO

In this class, participants learn about the Standard Table of Estimated Useful Life (EUL), how the table is used in the CNA e Tool, how assessors grade component conditions by using Assessed Remaining Useful Life (ARUL), and how these entries are used to calculate the total annual cost of operations (TCO) for a component. During the first part of the class, the instructor discusses tools and tips on how to report and explain components and alternative replacements or repairs using the Assessment Tool, as well as how the Tool uses your inputs to estimate and compare the TCO of components and alternatives. During the second part of the class, participants ask questions and engage in a discussion about how to interpret and use the EUL table, when to deviate from it, and how TCO comes into play in the decision-making process. Register for this class.


Who Should Attend?

These trainings are intended for persons who prepare or underwrite CNAs for HUD insured or assisted multifamily properties with an emphasis on HUD insured mortgage financing.


Webinar Title Dates and Times Registration Links
CNA e-Tool: Attachments and Photos April 16, 2018 – 9:00 AM EDT April 18, 2018 – 12:00 PM EDT April 19, 2018 – 3:00 PM EDT April 20, 2018 – 12:00 PM EDT Register Now
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CNA e-Tool: How to Address Flags April 16, 2018 – 12:00 PM EDT April 17, 2018 – 7:00 PM EDT April 23, 2018 – 9:00 AM EDT April 24, 2018 – 3:00 PM EDT Register Now
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CNA e-Tool: Using Narratives Effectively April 16, 2018 – 7:00 PM EDT April 17, 2018 – 9:00 AM EDT April 19, 2018 – 7:00 PM EDT April 23, 2018 – 12:00 PM EDT Register Now
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CNA e-Tool: Addressing EUL, ARUL and TCO April 25, 2018 – 9:00 AM EDT April 26, 2018 – 7:00 PM EDT April 30, 2018 – 3:00 PM EDT May 1, 2018 – 12:00 PM EDT Register Now
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Registration Information

  • You must have a HUD Exchange account to register. Follow these instructions for registering.
  • The curriculum is CNA e-Tool Virtual Classrooms.
  • The curriculum currently consists of four classes, each of which will be offered four times. HUD expects to announce additional classes covering other topics in the future.
  • Participants may take all four classes but must choose only one of the four time-slots for each class.
  • Maximum participants per time slot: 15
  • Others will be waitlisted
  • HUD staff who sign up may be on the wait list only
  • If there is space available 2 days before the class, individuals from the wait list – including HUD staff – will be allowed to attend and will be notified of this via email

Training Point of Contact

CNA e-Tool Virtual Classroom Curriculum Registrar |