This year, Tennessee’s competitive LIHTC applications must be submitted in THOMAS on or before 11:59 PM on March 1, 2018. Applications fees must be wired to THDA by that date and time also. Wiring instructions can be found in the 2018 Qualified Allocation Plan at Part XV, B: Program Fees. THDA has released the following reminders regarding applications:

  • If the property is not encumbered by a PILOT, the property tax information entered into THOMAS must comply with the State of Tennessee Treasury Bulletin 2016-02.
  • Equity pricing should be set no higher than $0.85 unless you have written confirmation (and submitted the documentation into THOMAS) of higher equity proceeds.  Confirmation can be uploaded in the miscellaneous folder.
  • Complete a check and cross check to ensure you have submitted permanent financing documentation on previously allocated developments.
  • All submitted documents must be properly executed.
  • Confirm market studies, appraisals and physical needs assessments are in compliance with the 2018 Qualified Allocation Plan and exhibits.
  • Review the THOMAS message board for the latest updates.

If you encounter problems, THDA recommends contacting the THOMAS email: [email protected].