8:45am |
Best Practices for Asset Managers As They Work with HFAs and Subordinate Lenders (General Session)
Housing Finance Agencies and Subordinate Lenders are critical partners in affordable housing transactions. This panel will explore how asset managers can strengthen relationships with their public sector partners and help facilitate future recapitalizations, refinancings and resubordinations of soft debt and/or dispositions involving subordinate debt and/or regulatory consent. Learn about public agency hot buttons on an array of issues including project inspections, reporting and more…
- Allen Feliz, TCAM Boston, MA*
- Emily Jacobs, Housing Development Partners / San Diego Housing Commission, San Diego, CA
- Christine Madigan, Enterprise Homes, Baltimore, MD
- Fred Mitchell, The NHP Foundation, Washington, DC
- Cecilia Walker, District of Columbia Department of Housing & Community Development, Washington, DC
9:45am |
The Economy, Data and Asset Management
- Eddie Seiler, National Housing & Rehabilitation Association, Washington, DC
10:30am |
Networking Break
10:45am |
Lessons Learned: Project and Partnership Dispositions and Buy Outs (General Session)
Project and partnership dispositions and buyouts are complicated and can often get emotional. This session will bring together GPs and LPs to look back at actual exits and buyouts for candid dialogue on how they were able to navigate differences and technical challenges to get to equitable resolutions.
- Katie Alitz, Boston Capital Corporation, Boston, MA
- Sean Barnes, Enterprise Community Investment, Columbia, MD
- Laura Burns, Eagle Point Companies, Portland, ME*
- Joan Hoover, Conifer, Rochester, NY
- Blair Kincer, Novogradac & Company LLP, Bethesda, MD
- Jeff Kunitz, CBRE Affordable, Seattle, WA
12:15pm |
Networking Lunch
1:15pm |
Asset Managing Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing and Other Alternative Affordable Assets (General Session)
Many affordable housing companies are diversifying their business and exploring “alternative” affordable housing asset classes including Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH), Workforce Housing, and Mixed-Income Housing. This session will explore what these market segments look like as well as strategies for maximizing their value.
- Dan Clark, Gorman & Company, Inc., Oregon, WI
- Doug Koch, Advisory Affilliates, LLC, Newton, MA
- Brendt Rusten, Dominium, Plymouth, MN
- John Sebree, Marcus & Millichap, Chicago, IL
2:30pm |
Networking Break
2:45pm |
Managing Troubled Properties (General Session)
Despite our best efforts, not all deals perform as planned. This panel will explore strategies and best practices to turn around troubled properties.
- Bobby Custer, National Foundation for Affordable Housing Solutions, North Bethesda, MD
- Josh Ghena, Cinnaire, Lansing, MI
- Todd Sears, Herman & Kittle Properties, Indianapolis, IN
- Vinnie Viola, Birch Island Real Estate Consulting, Milton, MA
3:45pm |
Open Forum and Wrap Up (General Session)
This free-for-all session is your opportunity to share your questions and strategies with your peer network on other pressing asset management issues.
4:30pm |
Conclusion of Program