NH&RA is pleased to announce that it has extended its early registration for the 2009 Fall Developers Forum, November 2-3, 2009 at the Taj Hotel in Boston.  Register by Wednesday, September 30 and save $100 off your conference registration fee. Our discounted room block at the Taj Hotel also expires September 30, so don’t wait to reserve your room, as well.

If you have never attended an NH&RA event, we provide a forum where leading developers and affordable housing professionals can share information and strategies freely. The Fall Forum is one of NH&RA’s best-attended developer events each year. It draws a national audience of developers, investors, syndicators, state agencies and local officials, as well as attorneys, accountants, consultants and affiliated professionals that focus on affordable housing, historic rehabilitation, and new markets tax credit development.

Questions? Contact Thom Amdur at 202-939-1753 or [email protected]. Click here to register online today.