Arizona has released a second draft of the 2018 QAP. The following is a brief summary of newly proposed changes:

  • State Special Project Set-Aside: Reduces the minimum threshold from 125 to 60 points for this one project set-aside and states that the highest scoring RAD or Choice Neighborhoods project will be first preference for the set-aside.
  • Limitations on Reservations of Tax Credits Based on Concentration of Projects in Certain Market Areas: Significant changes were made to this section. The new clause limits 2018 projects from being located within a “one mile straight line distance” of prior 9% and 4% projects with a list of exceptions including preservation of existing affordable housing, subsequent phase of an existing project on an adjoining parcel, and other scenarios.
  • Building Efficiency: Significant changes to the scoring methodology within this category
  • Tiebreaker: the second tiebreaker method has been changed from the order in time the application was date stamped to now, for new construction, the highest number of new units proposed, and third, to the project with the highest percentage of units with PBRA.
  • Defines several terms including:
    • “As-Is Market Value” as “the Fee Simple Interest value of the property appraised in the condition observed upon inspection and as it physically and legally exists at the time of the appraisal without hypothetical conditions, assumptions, or qualifications on the effective date of the appraisal” with additional conditions.
    • “School” means an elementary, junior high, middle school, high school, K-12, charter school or alternative school that is rated “B” or better by the Arizona Department of Education’s School Report Card

ADOH will accept written comments on the second draft of the 2018 QAP until October 20, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. via letter or e-mail to either of the following addresses:

By Mail:
Jeanne Redondo
Rental Programs Administrator
Arizona Department of Housing
1110 West Washington Street, Suite 280
Phoenix, AZ 85007

By E-mail:

Comments may also be provided at the Public Hearing on Friday, October 20, 2017 from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the following location:

Arizona Department of Housing
Conference Room – Suite 250
1110 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007

Free parking is available on surrounding streets and at the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality garage at the northwest corner of 10th Avenue and Washington Street.