Give and get feedback on utility companies’ Act 129 energy efficiency programs for future program planning.
Four meetings offered throughout the state:
Duquesne Light Company, October 13, 2016 in Pittsburgh– Register Here
PPL Electric Utilities, October 19, 2016 in Enola– Register Here
PECO, October 20, 2016 in Philadelphia- Register Here
First Energy, November 2, 2016 in State College- Register Here
Prior to the In Person meetings – Webinar on Act 129 to get the basics and learn what to expect at the in person gatherings Register Here
Background: Act 129, which became effective in November 2008, requires electric utility companies to cost-effectively reduce electricity consumption and peak demand on their systems. One way to do this is through energy efficiency measures, so the utilities developed programs for residential and commercial customers to increase energy efficiency in their properties. The electric utility companies are now preparing to launch new programs that will provide more than $30 million in incentives for energy efficiency in affordable multifamily housing over the next five years.
Join us to find out how multi-family building owners and residents can get help with energy efficiency upgrades to lower their utility costs. Come learn about these programs and provide your valuable feedback to the utility companies to help ensure the programs will work for you.