The 2016 per capita credit authority for Washington State will be $16,850,325. This amount is based on a 2016 population estimate of 7,170,351 and a per capita rate of 2.35.

Therefore, the following limits will be in effect for the 2016 competitive tax credit round:

  • Maximum Credit per project = $1,685,033
  • Maximum Credit per applicant = $2,527,549
  • Maximum Credit per Low-Income Unit – lower limit = $16,153
  • Maximum Credit per Low-Income Unit – higher limit (projects located in King County or approved for a basis boost) = $20,957

Form 6D of the Combined Funders Application has been updated to reflect both the 2016  Maximum Credit per Low-Income Housing Unit calculations and the extended 9% Applicable Tax Credit Percentage.

If you have any comments or questions you may contact us at [email protected]