The Office of Recapitalization in HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs has published three documents on the HUD Exchange from the local preservation clinics for Section 236 (both FHA-insured and HFA-issued) and Section 202 Direct Loan property owners and their partners.
- Road Map to Preservation: Collection of checklists and forms to help owners work towards preserving their affordable housing property.
- Preservation Financing Resource List: Links to financing resources that are useful to owners seeking to preserve their HUD Multifamily affordable rental housing
- Flexible Subsidy Loan Deferral: Fact sheet that describes the process for deferring repayment of a Flexible Subsidy Operating Assistance Loan (Flex Sub Loan) for Section 202 Direct Loans and Section 236 properties.
The Multifamily Housing Preservation resource pages on the HUD Exchange currently provide program guidance, tools, and other resources for the Section 236 and Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) programs. HUD will publish related content in the coming months.