According the Housing Advisory Council, House Financial Service Committee Chair Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) is looking for ways to improve HUD programs and USDA rural housing programs.

Individuals and organizations interested in submitting ideas should send an email to the following address:  [email protected].

Submission Requirements:

Submissions to modernize the delivery of federal housing assistance for today’s generation should include specific proposals and recommendations on:

1.  Restructuring HUD to maximize its organizational efficiency,

2.  Innovative approaches to address housing affordability that respect individual rights and promote individual responsibility,

3.  Methods of targeting housing assistance to address generational cycles of poverty,

4.  Examples of successful implementation of such proposals at the local, national, or international level (if applicable).

Additional Submission Requirements:

  • All submissions must be sent in a Word document or PDF attachment.  The file name must include the name of the organization/individual submitting the recommendations and the date.
  • Submissions must include a cover sheet containing the contact name, organization, phone number, and email address of the organization/individual submitting the recommendations.
  • Submissions will be accepted through Nov. 1, 2015, and may be incorporated into Committee proposals or made public at a later date.
  • If the directions above are not followed, the Committee reserves the right to not include the submission.