NH&RA Fall Forum (2015)

Conference Agenda

Event Conference Book

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Monday, November 2
Time Description

J. Timothy Anderson Awards Luncheon

The The J. Timothy Anderson Awards honor outstanding rehabilitation and preservation projects evaluating several criteria, including overall design and quality, interpretation and respect of historic elements, and market success.

Please note that there is a $125 catering fee to attend the Timmy Awards Luncheon.Registration for the Timmy Awards Luncheon is NOT included in the Fall Forum registration and needs to be purchased as a separate item.   You do not need to register for the Fall Forum to attend the Awards Luncheon; however, registration for the Luncheon is handled through the Fall Developers Forum Registration Page.

For more information about NH&RA and the Timmy Awards contact Lauren Anderson at 202-939-1773 or [email protected].


Welcome & Introductions


Developers Roundtable: Trends In Affordable and Multifamily Housing

This forward thinking panel will bring together leading developers with unique insight, experience and vision.  We will explore development and finance trends, challenges and opportunities impacting the new construction, acquisition rehab, preservation and historic redevelopment sectors.

Duncan Barrett, COO, Omni Housing Development, Albany, NY
Peter Bell, CEO, National Housing & Rehabilitation Association, Washington, DC Moderator
Andrew Burnes, President & CEO, HallKeen Management, Inc., Norwood, MA
Andrew Chaban, CEO, Princeton Properties, Lowell, MA

Related Articles


Networking Break


Fallout: The Impact of Supreme Court’s Disparate Impact Decision And HUD’s New Affirmatively Further Fair Housing Rule

This summer produced two critical developments in Federal fair housing law that will have significant impacts on both public and private housing providers.  First, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its long-awaited decision in Texas Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs v. The Inclusive Communities Project, Inc., a 5-4 decision that narrowly confirmed that the Fair Housing Act recognizes disparate impact liability – that is, liability for housing discrimination demonstrated by statistics, without proof of discriminatory intent.  Then, just a few weeks after the Supreme Court’s decision, HUD issued its Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (“AFFH”) regulation, imposing significant new duties on public housing agencies and other HUD grantees, to analyze barriers to fair housing in local communities and to implement plans to expand housing opportunities for minorities.  If successful, the AFFH rule will have dramatic impacts on the planning activities of local agencies and force controversial development of multifamily housing in areas that have been restricted  before.  The rule may increase the opportunities for private firms to develop housing in such areas, but it also may make statistical data and methodologies available that may increase fair housing claims against both private and public agencies.  The session will discuss these developments, look at pending cases that may help to clarify issues they raise, and discuss other impacts and potential responses that private and public housing providers should consider.

Thom Amdur, NH&RA, Washington, DC Moderator
Josh Cohen, Beacon Communities, Boston, MA
Bryan Greene,
General Deputy Assistant Secretary, HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Washington, DC
Harry Kelly
, Nixon Peabody, LLP, Washington, DC
Milt Pratt, Michaels Development, Marlton, NJ

Related Articles:


Networking Break


Tax Credit Equity Roundtable

Tony Bertoldi, City Real Estate Advisors, Boston, MA
Dana Boole
, CAHEC, Raleigh, NC
Rob Charest, Boston Financial Investment Management, Boston, MA
Cindy Fang
, CohnReznick, Boston, MA Moderator
Michael Clarke, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Boston, MA
Drew Foster, Red Stone Equity Partners, New York, NY
Victor Sostar
, First Sterling Financial, Inc., Great Neck, NY


Affordable Housing Vision Awards Presentation

National Housing & Rehabilitation Association instituted its Annual Vision Awards in 2004 to honor affordable housing and community development leaders for their invaluable contributions and years of dedication to providing affordable apartments to American families.  Our awardees have continually exhibited great foresight and incredible perseverance in addressing affordable housing matters.  The 2015 Vision Awardees will be announced later this Summer.

Click here to learn more about NH&RA’s Vision Awards.


Networking Reception & Vision Awards Celebration

Tuesday, November 3
Time Description

Housing Finance Agency Roundtable

Anne Berman, Rhode Island Housing, Providence, RI
Joe Erdelyi
, Vermont Housing Finance Agency, Burlington, VT
Bill Glover, Maine Housing, Augusta, ME
Aaron Gornstein, Preservation of Affordable Housing, Boston, MA Moderator
Chris Miller, New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority, Bedford, NH
Kate Racer
, Massachusetts Department of Housing & Community Development, Boston, MA
Monte Stanford, MassHousing, Boston, MA

Related Articles:


Networking Break


State of Play: HUD's Rental Assistance Demonstration

Pat Costigan, CF Partners, Washington, DC
Tom Davis, HUD, Washington, DC INVITED
John Mackey
, Trinity Financial (Advisory Board), Boston, MA
Dan Rosen, Klein Hornig LLP, Boston, MA

Klein Hornig Housing Alert on Revised RAD Notice

Related Articles:


Networking Break


Spotlight on Massachusetts: Exploring Local Trends, Opportunities, Policies & Resources

Larry Curtis, WinnDevelopment, Boston, MA Moderator
Sheila Dillon
, Chief of Housing and Director of the Department of Neighborhood Development, Boston, MA
Crystal Kornegay, Undersecretary of the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development, Boston, MA


Developers Council Luncheon

Developers Only. Additional Catering Fee Applies. Advanced Registration Required.


Next Generation Leadership Initiative Event

This requires a separate registration. Please contact Thom Amdur for details.

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