HUD announces the publication of the issue of HOME FACTS, which informs all Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) that the right to draw HOME grant funds expires after nine fiscal years, including the fiscal year of the appropriation. PJ’s identify expiring HOME grant balances each year and the Office of Affordable Housing Programs (OAHP) provides an Expiring Funds Report, which identifies each PJ that has an expiring grant balance. The report also identifies balances in specific sub-funds and sub-grants to recipients that are included in each PJ’s overall grant balance. You can review the full report by clicking here.
In accordance with Section 206A of the National Housing Act, HUD has also adjusted the basic statutory mortgage limits for Multifamily Housing Programs for the calendar year 2023. These limits are effective for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) on April 7. You can read the full publication by clicking here.