HUD’s Office of Disaster Recovery (ODR) announced that it is sponsoring the 2023 Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery and Mitigation (CDBG-DR and CDBG-MIT) Problem Solving Clinic. The clinic will give grantees, subrecipients and partners the opportunity to network and learn about the following:
- CDBG-DR specific rules and program requirements;
- The Consolidated Notice, as well as other Federal Register Notices applicable to specific allocations;
- Crosscutting requirements; and
- Best practices and guidance for specific disaster recovery and mitigation activities.
The clinic will be held at the Palmer House Hotel, in Chicago, IL as a hybrid (in-person and virtual) event on April 25 –27. To register for the clinic, please click here or view the conference page for additional information.
In addition, the latest versions of the CDBG-DR and CDBG-MIT monthly performance reports are now posted on the HUD Exchange. You may access the reports by clicking here.