HUD is soliciting assistance from HUD Exchange users who are interested in participating in user research activities for enhancing the presence of fair housing content on HUD Exchange, particularly from the following groups:
- Housing providers, including landlords, property managers, real estate agents, mortgage lenders and others who are involved in selling or renting housing;
- Community Planning and Development (CPD) grantees (Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Partnership Program (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)), Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and housing counseling agencies; and
- FHIP- and FHAP-funded state, local and private organization partners.
Insight from user research will help inform and develop an organizational structure for fair housing technical assistance (TA) products to ensure that users can easily find and utilize resources and training. No advance preparation is required and the virtual activity session will take approximately 30 minutes. To participate, please complete this background form by February 9.