The National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) solicited comments on its Recommended Practices in Housing Credit Administration. NH&RA submitted comments and looks forward to working with NCSHA and the Task Force members to update the Recommended Practices in advance of NCSHA’s Housing Credit Connect Conference next June.
Last published in 2017, NCHSA established a Task Force of the following HFA executive directors to update the Recommended Practices: Dan Brennan (ME), Cheryl Cohen (MT), Maura Collins (VT, co-chair), Susan Dewey (VA), Scott Farmer (NC), Kristin Faust (IL), Tiena Johnson-Hall (CA), Shannon Harner (NE), Gary Heidel (MI), Izzy Hernandez (NM), Jennifer Ho (MN), Chrystal Kornegay (MA), Nandini Natarajan (CT), Christopher Nunn (GA, co-chair), Ralph Perrey (TN), Shawn Smith (OH), Scott Spivey (MS), Ryan Vincent (KS), RuthAnne Visnauskas (NY), Steve Walker (WA), Robin Weissmann (PA) and Bobby Wilkinson (TX).