Last week the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on The Role of Tax Incentives in Affordable Housing. Witnesses included:
- Andrea Bell, executive director, Oregon Housing & Community Services;
- Jerry Konter, founder and president, Konter Quality Homes And Chairman Of The Board National Association of Homebuilders;
- Lee Ohanian, Hoover Institute Senior Fellow And Distinguished Professor Of Economics, University of California, Los Angeles;
- Buzz Roberts, president and CEO, National Association of Affordable Housing Lenders; and
- Dana Wade, chief production officer, Real Estate Finance, Walker & Dunlop
When asked if they supported the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (AHCIA), all five panelists raised their hand. In addition to supporting AHCIA, several panelists also encouraged Congress to pass the LIFELINE Act, the Affordable Housing Bond Enhancement Act and the Neighborhood Homes Investment Act.