The Alaska Housing Capital Corporation (AHCC) will hold its annual membership meeting at 9:30 a.m. AKT on May 18. The AHCC Board of Directors will meet upon adjournment of the membership meeting. Both meetings will take place via WebEx, dial 907-330-8452 three days prior to the meetings to request the access code.
The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation’s Board of Directors will meet at 10 a.m. AKT on May 18 to consider the following:
- Resolution to approve the SFY 2023 GOAL PROGRAM Rating and Award Criteria, also known as the Qualified Allocation Plan, for use with the Greater Opportunities for Affordable Living (GOAL) Program;
- Resolution Amending 15 AAC 151.300 Multifamily, Special Needs, Congregate Housing Loans;
- Resolution approving term refinancing for a mixed-use multifamily housing project to IT, LLC; RB Enterprises, LLC; Robert A. Gross;
- Resolution approving the transfer of funds to Alaska Corporation for Affordable Housing in Accordance with FY2023 Moving to Work Annual Plan and Capital Fund Program;
- Resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of not to exceed $400,000,000 State Capital Project Bonds II in one or more series and approving related matters; and
- Resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of not to exceed $12,000,000 Conduit Revenue Bonds, 2022 (Fairbanks Affordable Housing Project) and approving related matters.
Dial 907-330-8452 three days prior to the meetings to request the access code.