As part of the 2022 Competitive nine percent LIHTC Allocation process, Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs’ (TDHCA’s) Multifamily Finance Division posted the initial 2022 nine percent LIHTC Full Application Submission Log.
The log is organized by region and subregion, except for the At-Risk and USDA Set-Asides. Applicants selecting the At-Risk/USDA Set-Asides are listed first and are organized by score rather than by region. Where scores indicate a tie between more than one application in a subregion or set-aside, no representation is made regarding how the applications would be ranked after applying the tie-breaker factors in the QAP. Note that the Internal Revenue Service has not yet released population figures for the 2022 Housing Tax Credit Cycle, and figures included in this log are subject to change. Additionally, not all priority considerations have been taken into account for those scoring items not yet included. They will be included in a future log.
Additionally, the log is inclusive of both requests for allocations of 2022 nine percent Supplemental Credits and Forward Commitments made in 2021, which are listed under their respective subregions or set-asides in the log. The log is presented for informational use only and does not represent a conclusion or judgment by TDHCA, its staff, or Board. Those reviewing the log are advised to use caution in reaching any definitive conclusions based on this information alone. Applicants are encouraged to review 10 TAC Section 11.1(b) concerning Due Diligence and Applicant Responsibility.
Applicants who identify an error in the log should contact Colin Nickells, Competitive Housing Tax Credit manager, at