The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s Office of Multifamily Housing announced the award of $143 million for 30 grantees under Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program. The awards will help fund the construction and operation of 1,484 new deeply rent-assisted units for low- and very low-income seniors who will pay rent based on their income. Several of the grantees will be creating mixed-income communities, building 701 additional affordable and market-rate units as part of these funded projects, for a total of 2,185 homes. 

Among the awardees are several members of NH&RA, including EAH, Inc., Enterprise Community Development, Planning Office for Urban Affairs, Inc., Volunteers of America, National Church Residences and Southeastern Housing Foundation. 

“These awards support the Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to increase housing stability among the nation’s most vulnerable populations, including the very low-income seniors these grants will ultimately help,” said Office of Housing Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Lopa Kolluri.