The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) invites Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) developers to submit proposals to develop 100 percent affordable housing on two City-owned lot in Prospect Heights. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is part of HPD’s M/WBE Building Opportunity Initiative, an initiative that seeks to address demonstrated disparities in minority and women-owned business’ participation in affordable housing development.

The redevelopment of these sites builds on HPD’s Seniors First Initiative, a strategy to create and preserve housing for seniors. The city has committed to develop 80-100 senior units as part of this RFP.

542 Dean Street is an approximately 17,145 square feet site located on the south side of Dean Street between 6th Avenue and Carlton Avenue.

516 Bergen Street is an approximately 17,051 square feet site located on the south side of Bergen Street between 6th Avenue and Carlton Avenue.

The sites are near major commercial corridors on Flatbush Avenue and Atlantic Avenue and are well served by transit, many high performing schools, healthy food options and neighborhood amenities and services including Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) a half mile from the sites and the Central Public Library less than a mile from the sites. Other notable landmarks in the area include the Dean Playground, Fire Engine 219, Police Precinct 78, Barclays Center, Atlantic Yards, South Oxford Park and Prospect Park.