Until further notice, all joint bond and tax credit applications will be submitted by mail rather than through the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (CDLAC) online application portal. Send to CDLAC: two identical USB drives with all application materials, a $1,200 CDLAC application filing fee, and a $1,000 California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) application filing fee. These must be received by CDLAC no later than 4 p.m. PT on February 4, 2021. Please label all folders and subfolders within the USB drive. Instructions for folder labeling can be found in Attachment 40.
An updated CDLAC-TCAC Fillable Joint Application is available here. This application is to be completed, and all required CDLAC and TCAC application attachments, including Attachment 40, must be included in the application submission.