The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) posted draft 2021 Design & Architectural Standards, which include the following major changes for 2021:

  • A new section for minimum rehabilitation requirement
  • Requirements for radon prevention/reduction and lead-based paint hazard reduction
  • Inclusion of property standards for projects receiving HOME, National Housing Trust Fund, or Community Development Block Grant- Disaster Recovery funds.

OHFA would like feedback from our stakeholders on the items above, as well as the rest of the document. Comments must be submitted to [email protected] by December 4.

OHFA also updated the Design and Construction Features Form and the Exception Request Form for 2021. Applicants must use these documents in their 2021 funding applications. The updated Affordable Housing Funding Application for 2021 will be released within a few weeks.

OHFA has begun planning for the 2022-2023 QAP: a list of considerations for the next QAP can be found at the end of this document. OHFA released a memo outlining the tentative QAP calendar for this coming year and a description of the opportunities for providing input.