The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) launched its new Market Analysis Application (IMAA). Designed by IHDA’s Strategic Planning and Reporting (SPAR) team, IMAA allows affordable housing practitioners of all types to derive market areas, see integrated demographic and analytic data, study concentration levels, cross-reference with IHDA’s portfolio of projects and identify the true housing needs within a community. Here are just a few things that IMAA can help you do:

  • Get ahead of the PPA curve by finding competitive sites for multifamily developments;
  • Tell compelling stories of local housing and demographic conditions to aid in Strong Communities Program (SCP) grant applications;
  • Identify underserved populations in need of housing opportunity;
  • Plan to meet community-level housing needs;
  • Discover areas prime for revitalization and/or preservation of affordability;
  • Build a case for Proximate Opportunity Area status; and
  • See IHDA properties near your site or community.

IHDA posted information about how to use the application, an evolving FAQ PowerPoint, and a static link to the tool on its website. IHDA is requesting feedback on how you are using the tool and how its working for you. If you have questions or comments about IMAA, please contact [email protected].