In the aftermath of Hurricane Sally, Florida Housing recirculated the procedures and tools available for owners and residents impacted by severe weather and flooding. Florida Housing requests a general assessment of damage resulting from Hurricane Sally, using this Damage Survey Template. The completed form should be submitted as soon as practical (ideally within five business days) to [email protected]. Please report the quantity of buildings damaged and the quantity of units affected, as well as the number households displaced by the damage.

Specific detail regarding damages is not being sought at this time. Please review the damage descriptions that follow and use them to provide a general assessment of damage that resulted from Hurricane Sally by selecting the estimated damage level (for the development overall) from the dropdown list:

  • NONE- No damage as a result of Hurricane Sally;
  • LIMITED: Generally superficial damage to solid structures (e.g., loss of tiles or roof shingles), some mobile homes and light structures are damaged or displaced;
  • MODERATE: Solid structures sustain exterior damage (e.g., missing roofs or roof segments), some mobile homes and light structures are destroyed and many are damaged or displaced;
  • EXTENSIVE: Some solid structures are destroyed, most sustain exterior and interior damage (e.g., roofs missing, interior walls exposed), most mobile homes and light structures are destroyed; and
  • CATASTROPHIC: Most solid and all light or mobile structures destroyed.

In addition to the severity of the impact, indicate the nature of the damage by placing an “X” in the applicable column:

  • Damage due to Rising Water (flood);
  • Damage to Roof/Soffit;
  • Damage to Windows;
  • Damage to Accessory Buildings and Amenities; and
  • Damage to Landscape, trees, etc.

Florida Housing also requests information on available units to assist with post-recovery efforts to house displaced families. Available units can be listed on This online listing service offers unlimited free listings. Log on at or call 1-877-428-8844 (toll free) for live assistance (Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET).