On August 3, the Maryland Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) reopened the Assisted Housing Relief Program.

The Assisted Housing Relief Program was created to assist families experiencing a COVID-19-related financial hardship that negatively impacts their ability to maintain their rental housing payment. The Program’s assistance will be provided directly to the assisted property – providing relief for tenants at home and for landlords experiencing revenue losses that challenges the sustainability of the housing operation. Tenants in eligible properties may receive assistance for unpaid rents for the period beginning April 1st and ending July 31, 2020. Assistance will be paid directly to the property. The program is limited to rental units in multifamily projects with State financing or Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC).

Applications must be submitted via email to [email protected]. The email’s subject line must include the property name and Assisted Housing Relief Program project ID. (For example, Delight Meadows Senior, Project ID: 0001) Project IDs can be found in the Eligible Property Database. Applications will be accepted beginning August 3, 2020 through August 31 and all applicant properties must submit the following documents:

  • Assisted Housing Relief Program Application
  • W-9 (Saved as Separate PDF)
  • Owner Loss form dated August 2020 with all tenants listed
  • Tenant Certification for each tenant listed on the Owner Loss Form
  • Copy of Management Agreement (If not already on file with DHCD)

Funding announcements will be made on a rolling basis after the application deadline. DHCD may close the application process prior to the August 31st deadline if funding is exhausted in advance of that date.

Please use the Owner Loss form Dated August 2020. The form has been changed to an excel document. Data should be typed into the spreadsheet to utilize formulas. Program eligibility criteria and associated documentation can be found here.

Please submit questions to [email protected]. If you have any questions, please contact Gregory Hare at [email protected] or 301-429-7775.