The Indiana Housing & Community Development (IHCDA)  changed the 2021 nine percent application due date from July 27 to 120 days after the termination of the Governor’s Executive Order for stay at home restriction. IHCDA also suspended the submission of new four percent LIHTC and tax-exempt bond applications until 30 days after the lifting of the Governor’s Executive Order. Four percent LIHTC applicants that submitted a Form C before April 8, 2020 may continue their application process.

Questions should be directed to Alan Rakowski, director of Real Estate Allocation, or 317-233-1220, or Matt Rayburn, deputy executive director & chief real estate development officer, or 317-233-9564.

Massachusetts DHCD Issues FAQ on COVID-19 Rent Increases
On April 8, the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development issued a FAQ document on rent increases in units with rental assistance during COVID-19 emergency. The document clarifies that the prohibition on rent increases does not apply to properties where the only Commonwealth subsidy is tenant-based rental assistance, including mobile vouchers issued under the Federal Section 8 program, the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program, the Alternative Rental Voucher Program and DMH Rental Assistance program.