On Monday, March 23, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb issued Executive Order 20-08 entitled “Directive for Hoosiers to Stay at Home.” The Executive Order includes exemptions that may apply to individuals working in multifamily housing developments or who otherwise may work with residents at properties financed by the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA).  We encourage our partners to review the order thoroughly and if necessary, consult counsel when determining which staff are engaged in performing essential government functions or other essential work or activities.

Indiana has opened a call center to field industry questions about Executive Order 20-08 while the state observes the stay-at-home order. This center is reachable by calling 877-820-0890 or by e-mailing [email protected], and is set up for business and industry questions only.

Last week, the Governor issued Executive Order 20-06, suspending all eviction and foreclosure actions until the state of emergency has been terminated. Along with this, public housing authorities are asked to extend deadlines for housing assistance recipients. While this provides protection to tenants, it is important to note that this does not relieve any individual of their obligations to pay rent or their mortgage. They should continue to seek available resources to help with making their payments. In light of this, Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill has encouraged Hoosiers who are unlawfully subjected to eviction or foreclosure proceedings during the ongoing public health emergency to file a complaint with the Office’s Consumer Protection Division.

To stay up to date with the Governor’s Executive Orders, please visit the Executive Order page.  Information pertaining to COVID-19 can be found at the Indiana Department of Health COVID 19 Page.

At IHCDA, we are continuing our business operations via telework and technology utilization. We will continue to issue program-specific guidance as more information becomes available. We can be reached through our normal office phone and e-mail contacts. I am accessible should you have any questions or comments. Please contact me at [email protected] or on my direct line at 317-233-1811.