The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development released guidance on the exclusion of income derived from temporary 2020 Census Bureau work. Effective immediately, income derived from temporary 2020 Census Bureau employment is to be excluded from households’ countable income calculations for projects that involve any of the DHCD-assisted programs listed below:
- National Housing Trust Fund (HTF);
- Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC);
- HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME);
- Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF);
- Commercial Area Transit Node Housing Program (CATNHP);
- Capital Improvement Preservation Fund (CIPF);
- Community Based Housing (CBH);
- Facilities Consolidation Fund (FCF);
- Housing Innovations Fund (HIF);
- Housing Stabilization Fund (HSF);
- Local Initiative Program (LIP); and
- Homeownership Opportunity Program (HOP).
Please contact Matthew Seadale at 617-573-1317 with questions.