Texas’ 2020 Multifamily Uniform Application posted on January 22, 2020, has been revised to correct Tab 48, the tie-breaker information worksheet. The revision only affects competitive nine percent LIHTC applications.

The previously posted applications were not updated to reflect the correct three-year average poverty rate and the applicable poverty rates for Regions 11 and 13. Applications from Regions other than 11 and 13 that include a census tract poverty rate that is less than 17.0341 will not be affected by the revision. Similarly, applications from Region 11 that include a census tract poverty rate that is less than 32.0341 and those from Region 13 that include a census tract poverty rate that is less than 22.0341 will not be affected by the revision.

To assist applicants that may be affected by the revision, a separate tie-breaker worksheet that can be completed and submitted along with the application has been posted.

The application was also updated to include Polk County in the list of counties eligible under Section 11.9(d)(8) of the 2020 QAP related to readiness to proceed and to unlock cells G28, H34, H38, B44 and AF78, in the Tab 23 Specifications and Building/Unit Type Configuration form.

If you have questions about any of the posted documents, please contact TDHCA Competitive HTC Administrator Sharon Gamble at sharon.gamble@tdhca.state.tx.us.