In the coming months, Minnesota Housing will lead and participate in several engagement opportunities that will gather input from a variety of stakeholders including local units of government, community-based organizations, economic development organizations, state agencies, funding and collaborating partners, developers and communities most impacted by housing needs as they develop the 2022 QAP.

Phase one of this outreach work will happen in January and February. Information and ideas gathered from these engagement events will guide the content of the first draft of the QAP, which will be available for public comment by early summer 2020. Opportunities for further input will then be made available in Phase two, which will happen over the summer before finalizing the QAP at our September board meeting. Minnesota Housing is interested in your early feedback on the following policy priorities as we work on the 2022 QAP and 2021 Consolidated RFP funding priorities:

  • Aligning government incentives for the production and preservation of housing for populations that are not being adequately served by the current rental housing market, all the while creating long-term affordability
  • Prioritizing communities most impacted rental housing populations, including people of color and indigenous communities and large families
  • Creating economic opportunities for communities that will benefit most from housing development work
  • Reviewing the role geography should play in helping to drive funding decisions around housing investment throughout the state
  • How best to continue focusing on ending homelessness in Minnesota and the role of coordinated entry in regard to that focus
  • How best to advance energy efficiency and building innovation in rental housing while ensuring cost reasonableness
  • How best to achieve deeper and longer-term affordability

Please send comments by Monday, February 24, 2020 [email protected]. Minnesota Housing will hold a stakeholder session on January 28 from 1:30 to 3:00 pm CT at Minnesota Housing (400 Wabasha St. N., Suite 400, St. Paul, MN 55102). Register by January 24.

 Minnesota Housing, in collaboration with Greater Minnesota Housing Fund and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development, will also hold three housing resources engagement sessions from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm CT each day. Lunch will be provided. Technical assistance sessions will run from 1:00 to 3:00 pm CT for questions on project ideas in the areas of Multifamily rental development, Rural Rental development, and Single-Family Homeownership projects.

Saint Peter
Thursday, January 30
Saint Peter Community Center,
600 South 5th Street
Register by Monday, January 27

Wednesday, February 5
Community Memorial Hospital,
Maple and Oak Rooms
512 Skyline Boulevard
Register by Friday, January 31

Monday, February 10
Central Lakes Community College,
Room E208
501 West College Drive
Register by Wednesday, February 5