The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will hold a multifamily rental funding competition in February 2020. The Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for this competition will be released shortly. Pre-applications for potential projects will be due on November 25, 2019. Sponsors whose projects are approved through the pre-application process will be allowed to submit the full OneStop+ applications on February 20, 2020. To help interested sponsors prepare for the pre-application and full competition submissions, DHCD will host information sessions as follows:

Friday, October 25, 1:30 pm
Second Floor, Conference Room A
100 Cambridge Street
Boston, MA  02114

Wednesday, October 30, 1:30 pm
Second Floor, Conference Room C
100 Cambridge Street
Boston, MA  02114

RSVP to Josh Weissman LaFrance at 617-573-1308 or All attendees must RSVP in order to be placed on the building security list.